3N1' 2008
A class of 43 pupils and two form teachers, Sec 3N1 2008 is filled with fun-loving pupils of diverse abilities and character, who never fails to brighten my day. Every pupil has his/her own distinct uniqueness that adds colour to the learning environment. Class slogan: W.A.R.E which stands for We Are Reaching Excellence
Posted on 11:18 PM

[a MUST watch]

By Ms Shirley Goh at 11:18 PM

Thirteen-year-old Seth Cook and his family strive to live normal lives despite his progeria, a disease that accelerates the process of aging.

Think you've got it bad? Watch this report and reevaluate your struggles, you may just see things a little different after seeing this.

The Remarkable Seth Cook - Funny bloopers are a click away